Terms and conditions for www.manchestercity-rumours.co.uk
Terms and conditions for www.manchestercity-rumours.co.uk
We reserve the right to alter these terms and conditions at any time.
Please remember that any information you submit through the use of our posting forms and is subsequently posted on www.manchestercity-rumours.co.uk becomes public information. You should exercise caution when deciding to disclose personal information on www.manchestercity-rumours.co.uk.
We may use your IP address to administer www.manchestercity-rumours.co.uk and we reserve the right to block IP addresses from posting on this Web site.
We reserve the right to alter any of the text you submit on any of our posting forms on this web site before it is posted on www.manchestercity-rumours.co.uk.
We also reserve the right not to post any of the text you submit on any of our posting forms on www.manchestercity-rumours.co.uk.
If you submit any information to us through the use of any form on www.manchestercity-rumours.co.uk, you agree to give to us any of your ownership rights and or any of your copyrights of that information.
You agree that you will not submit through any of our posting forms any copyrighted or illegal or unlawful data, text, images or any media of any kind.
www.manchestercity-rumours.co.uk may contain links to other sites but we are not responsible for the terms and conditions, privacy practices, cookie practises or content of these Web sites.
www.manchestercity-rumours.co.uk uses 1st party cookies to store the visitors' username if they have registered with any of our Web sites. We also have advertisers that may use their own cookies. We do not control the use of these 3rd party cookies and cannot be held responsibile for information collected by them. Visiting this web site means you consent to the use of our cookies and any 3rd party cookies placed on your device.
If you do disable cookies you may find that certain parts of this Web site do not work as intended.
How to disable behaviourally targeted advertising cookies
If you are concerned about behaviourally targeted advertising cookies which serve you advertisements based on your use of www.manchestercity-rumours.co.uk, users based in the European Union can visit www.youronlinechoices.eu and users based in the US can visit http://www.aboutads.info/choices/ to opt out of these third party cookies.
How to enable and disable cookies using your browser
Google Chrome
- Click the wrench icon on the browser toolbar
- Select Settings
- Click "Show advanced settings"
- In the "Privacy" section, click the "Content settings" button
- To enable cookies in the "Cookies" section, pick "Allow cookies by default"
- To disable cookies, in the "Cookies" section, pick "Block cookies by default"
- Note there are various levels of cookie enablement and disablement in Chrome. For more information on other cookie settings offered in Chrome, refer to the following page from Google:http://support.google.com/chrome/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=95647
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, 8.0
- Click on 'Tools' at the top of your browser window and select 'Internet Options'
- In the options window navigate to the 'Privacy' tab
- To enable cookies: Set the slider to "Medium" or below
- To disable cookies: Move the slider to the top to block all cookies
- Note there are various levels of cookie enablement and disablement in Explorer. For more information on other cookie settings offered in Internet Explorer, refer to the following page from Microsoft:http://windows.microsoft.com/en-GB/windows-vista/Block-or-allow-cookies
Mozilla Firefox
- Click on 'Tools' at the browser menu and select "Options"
- Select the Privacy panel
- To enable cookies: Check "Accept cookies for sites"
- To disable cookies: Uncheck at "Accept cookies for sites"
- Note there are various levels of cookie enablement and disablement in Firefox. For more information, refer to the following page from Mozilla:http://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/Enabling%20and%20disabling%20cookies
- Click on "Setting" at the browser menu and select 'Settings'
- Select "Quick Preferences"
- To enable cookies: check "Enable Cookies"
- To disable cookies: uncheck "Enable Cookies"
- Note there are various levels of cookie enablement and disablement in Opera. For more information on other cookie settings offered in Opera, refer to the following page from Opera Software:http://www.opera.com/browser/tutorials/security/privacy/
Safari on OSX
- Click on 'Safari' at the menu bar and select the 'Preferences' option
- Click on 'Security'
- To enable cookies: In the 'Accept cookies' section select 'Only from site you navigate to'
- To disable cookies: In the "Accept cookies" section select "Never"
- Note there are various levels of cookie enablement and disablement in Safari. For more information on other cookie settings offered in Safari, refer to the following page from Apple: http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?path=Safari/3.0/en/9277.html
All other browsers
Please look for a "help" function in the browser or contact the browser provider.
If you require any more information or have any questions about our terms and conditions, please feel free to contact us using our contact form.
Our Privacy Policy page has more information on the types of personal information that is received and collected by www.manchestercity-rumours.co.uk and how it is used.