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Dbrooks90's rumours posts with other poster's replies to Dbrooks90's rumours posts
06 Feb 2023 12:29:31
Is there anything you can clear up about the prem investigations ed? I know you probably can't go into too much detail to be fair most of it would probably confuse the majority of us but anything that can be simplified? Possible outcomes?
{Ed002's Note - A number of accusations have been referred to an independent commission for consideration.}
Dbrooks90's banter posts with other poster's replies to Dbrooks90's banter posts
28 Apr 2016 20:52:13
Ed002 you mentioned on the Chelsea page city had a deal in principle agreed for gundogan are there other clubs interested in trying to scupper the deal or do you expect it to go ahead?
{Ed002's Note - No.}
07 Jun 2016 21:54:38
Ed001 is there anything new on this I believe last year the eds saying stones was very keen to work Mr mourinho do you think stones may prefer united with mourinho to city with pep?
{Ed001's Note - no, Stones, like most players, are caught up in the Pep 'myth' and would love to play for him.}
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